Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

We have over 15 years of leading edge Purchasing and Supply chain experience delivering real savings in housing, automotive and aerospace industries.

Our experience is extensive and our track record demonstrable.

Unlike most approaches in the Housing Sector, our models originate from the automotive sector and have been finely tuned for application in the housing sector. Used in conjunction with our other “lean” tools and advanced partnering techniques, we deliver clear tangible improvements throughout the Supply Chain.

Clients value our approach and experience. Our work with the Places for People Group was short listed for The Housing Corporation’s Gold Award for Excellence in 2006.

We offer our services on a fixed and/or performance related basis. The performance basis demonstrates our commitment to stake our own rewards on the success of the Client’s transformation.

“Savings far exceed the fees!”
Peter Daly,
Director of Housing Services,
“Johnnie” Johnson Housing
“We were impressed with Value Based Solution’s thorough approach. VBS’ reports, detailing levels of potential savings, have independently underpinned our knowledge of where we can make positive changes to become a more cost-effective organisation. As a result, we have been able to look at processes and how we manage the division in a much deeper way, hence having a significant and positive impact on the services we deliver to our customers.”
Tony Partington,
Bolton at Home