Purchasing and Spend Management Reviews

“VBM techniques have energised a new approach throughout the organisation. We are travelling down a detailed route for realising the efficiency savings identified”

Value Based Solutions can provide an independent review of your organisation's purchasing processes, systems and expenditure, examining potential opportunities and identifying areas for savings. We will then help take control of your spend by working alongside your management team to implement improved procurement systems and processes and realise the savings opportunities.

We have over 15 years of leading edge Purchasing and Supply chain experience delivering real savings in housing, automotive and aerospace industries.

Our experience is extensive and our track record demonstrable.

We can also assist you in developing and implementing robust procurement strategies, including “lean” processes and procedures as well as drafting terms and conditions of contract.

“I have always had a healthy scepticism of management consultants, but what has been achieved is a revelation” “Their work has shown us what we are really spending our money on and where we can be saving it to become a more streamlined, cost-effective, customer focused organisation”
“Value Based Management has given us the tools not only to improve services, but also to generate the vital cash needed to fund them”
Dave Bebb,
(Former) Chief Executive

“Consultants are only as good as their recommendation. When talking to another CEO of a housing association I was sufficiently impressed to want to find out more.”
“VBM techniques have energised a new approach throughout the organisation. We are travelling down a detailed route for realising the efficiency savings identified”
Jim Lunney,
Chief Executive,
“Johnnie” Johnson Housing