Value Based Solutions are one of the market leaders in the Housing Sector having assisted many organisations in the transformation of their repairs and maintenance service. We have delivered in excess of £50m of VFM savings for our Clients in the last four years alone.
Our unique “lean” approach originates from our experience and time in the automotive and aerospace sectors, enabling us to bring the best of the Private Sector to the Housing Sector.
Clients range from some of the largest housing providers in the UK such as Places for People and The Gateshead Housing Company to smaller organisations that have fewer than 2,000 units. Our work has been featured at many industry conferences and we have presented VFM Master Classes for the Audit Commission.
Our work with the Places for People Group was instrumental in them setting up one of the leading edge in-house national maintenance operations in the UK. This has realised significant financial savings together with many service improvements.
We have been working closely with Coast and Country Housing since 2006 to deliver a transformation of their repairs and maintenance service, which has now achieved in excess of £5m savings together with significant enhancements to their service.
With our externally focused “lean” process, service, cost and data-oriented approach, we are experts at collecting and analysing your maintenance costs, working practices, supply chain, processes and operational data necessary to provide high quality, fact-based answers.
From the delivery of rigorous VFM service reviews through to the implementation of re-designed processes, scheduling systems and advanced partnering, Value Based Solutions can support you in all aspects of performance improvement. Our recommendations incorporate the latest “state of the art” IT solutions that will drive the most effective and efficient working practices.
We have the skills, expertise and track record that enables our Clients to make significant cost savings whilst improving their service delivery and quality. We offer our services on a fixed and/or performance related basis. The performance basis demonstrates our commitment to stake our own rewards on the success of the Client’s transformation.