Value for Money and Efficiency

It is clear from all economic, political and management perspectives that Value for Money, efficiency and excellent customer service must remain at the heart of every organisation.

We have found, however, that many organisations struggle to demonstrate VFM and embrace fully all aspects of a VFM culture while continuing to improve customer service.

VFM strategies need to have substance and must be underpinned by robust action plans that determine when and how the strategy will be delivered. They must clearly demonstrate achievement of VFM to the organisation’s management, customers and other stakeholders. This is only fully achieved when VFM is embedded across all services and all parts of an organisation, in a structured framework that realises ongoing and significant financial improvements.

Our work has contributed to many of our Clients achieving three star status and our work with the Audit Commission on delivering VFM Master Classes has further enhanced our expertise and experience in this area.

Unlike many other approaches, our rigorous methodology originates from the automotive sector, has been finely tuned in the housing sector to incorporate “economy”, “efficiency” and “effectiveness” and lends itself to an objective and informed analysis of each service area of your organisation.

Our success is clearly measured through an increase in the financial performance of our Clients. Since 1999, through our VFM Reviews, we have identified in excess of £2bn of cost and efficiency savings for our Clients across the Housing and Private sector.

Value Based Solutions provides a wide range of leading edge Value for Money (VFM) consultancy services to help housing organisations understand, improve and embed VFM.

We offer our services on a fixed and/or performance related basis. The performance basis demonstrates our commitment to stake our own rewards on the success of the Client’s transformation.

"Wirral Partnership Homes are delighted to be working with Value Based Solutions. We have made a commitment to embed Value for Money in everything that the company does and VBS have been instrumental in helping us put together our Value for Money strategy and plan. Our initial work with them has identified some very significant savings and we have every confidence that the next stage of joint working will do likewise."
Patrick McCarthy,
Deputy Chief Executive and Company Secretary,
Wirral Partnership Homes

“I see this process as the missing link in our search for greater efficiency as we can only deliver improved services if we create the resources to do so. VBM has made a tremendous difference to our business.
Anne Seddon,
Group Finance Director,
Vicinity Group